Pastor Braun's Weekly News - May 03

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Here is what is coming up this week at Immanuel:
1.   Following our worship service this Sunday we will be having our Cinco de Mayo potluck, please bring food to share and enjoy some great fellowship and food!
2.   During our 10am worship service we will be continuing to look at the book of Acts and the anticipation of the sending of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.
3.   During the adult education we are continuing our study on the “The Rise and Fall of the Judges” by taking a look at the judges Ehud and Shamgar.
4.   Youth Ministry is ready to start planning for the 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering in New Orleans, July 19-23, 2025!!!
5.   All youth currently in Grades 7-11 will be eligible/old enough to attend.
6.   We will have an informational meeting on this Sunday, May 5 at 12:30pm in the chapel for those interested. It shouldn't take more than about 30-45 minutes.  And don’t worry you will still have time before hand to enjoy our potluck. We will go over general information, commitments, fundraising, registration timeline, and have time for questions.
For these and all other announcements please go to our website and pick up the announcements in the narthex on Sunday.  Thank you for your time and we can’t wait to see you.
In Christ,
><>Pastor Ben

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